posted 1 year ago
20000 - 35000 per month

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Job Description

  • identify training and development needs within an organisation through job analysis, appraisal schemes and regular consultation with business managers and human resources departments
  • design, expand and manager training and development programmes based on the needs of the organisation and the individual
  • create and/or deliver a range of training using face-to-face, digital and blended learning options
  • produce training materials for in-house courses
  • plan and assess the ‘return on investment’ of any training or development programme, considering the costs of planned programmes and keeping within budgets
  • develop effective induction programmes for new staff, apprentices and graduate trainees
  • monitor and review the progress of trainees through appraisals, questionnaires and discussions with managers, and provide trainees with timely and constructive feedback
  • devise individual learning plans
  • ensure that statutory training requirements are met
  • evaluate training and development programmes, and prepare reports for management in areas such as usage, engagement and performance
  • amend and revise programmes as necessary, in order to adapt to changes occurring in the work environment and industry developments
  • help line managers and trainers solve specific training problems, either on a one-to-one basis or in groups
  • promote a work culture of continuing professional development (CPD)
  • keep up to date with developments in training by reading relevant journals, going to meetings and attending relevant courses
  • research new technologies and methodologies in workplace learning and present this research.

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  • Offered Salary
    20000 - 35000 per month